Saturday, March 24, 2012

Closet Organization pt 1

So, really, the most ridiculous part of our home has GOT to be our shared closet. When we moved it, I felt as though I hit the closet lottery. It was bigger than anything I had ever hung my clothes in before. But alas, the months turn in to years and my side of the closet morphed into sections: 'someday', 'fits now', 'fits on a good day', and 'period-perfect'. So this is what I have ended up with:

You can see that I've made attempts at organizing the closet, evidenced by the multitude of plastic shoe bins stacked all over the place :) So I buckled down and got serious this past weekend.  I grabbed a garbage bag and tossed things into it that I hadn't worn for the past two years.  Well...mostly. I admit that I salvaged one or two pieces--simply because they had been so hidden that I'd forgotten I had them! Step two this weekend was to remove the linen cedar trunk that was in the back of the closet. I've been wanting to put a bench beside the door in our living room so that's where it went.  The result gave me a lot more of open space to work with:


Now the third thing I did was free up over a foot of closet rod space.  By taking my camis off. the. hangars.  Yup.  Over a foot of valuable space.  I can assure you that I don't have any extra drawer space that I was able to toss them into.  Nope, I folded them in half and rolled them up and put them here:

I was able to fit a max of three per shoe pocket.  And had plenty of room left over to put my scarves in the top two rows :) steps.

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